Factory Definition


(->factory factory-id factory-description)

Accepts a keyword and a factory definition and returns a factory record. The keyword will be used as an id to register the factory in a global directory internal to fabrikk. If a factory with the key already exists in the directory, it will be overwritten. Namespaced keywords are recommended.

Most of the API accepts either a factory record or the id, with the exception of the persist! multimethod which requires the id.

Factories are records that can be called as functions:

(def user (->factory ....))
(user) ;;=> equivalent to (build user)
(user build-opts) ;; equivalent to (build user build-opts)

A factory definition has the following structure:

Inherit Behaviour



A keyword that specifies a key in the template to identify the entity when referenced





A boolean that controls whether the entity should be persisted in calls to create and create-list. Defaults to true










(inherit parent-factory-or-id factory-id factory-description)

Accepts an existing factory (or id), a keyword and a factory description, and returns a new new factory that inherits from the existing factory. All keys listed in ->factory may be specified, see the inherit behaviour column in the table for more.

Building and Creation


(build factory-or-id)
(build factory-or-id build-opts)
(build factory-or-id build-opts output-opts)


(build-list factory-or-id quantity)
(build-list factory-or-id quantity build-opts+)
(build-list factory-or-id quantity build-opts+ output-opts)

Accepts a factory and a quantity and builds that many entities. Build option can either be a single option map that is used to build each entity, or a list of option maps, each of which will be used to build one entity. If this list contains fewer than quantity options, the last one is repeated. For example:

(build-list user 3 [{:with {:name "Joe"}}
                    {:with {:name "John"}}])
;; => [{:name "Joe" ....}
;;     {:name "John" ....}
;;     {:name "John" ....}


(create factory-or-id)
(create factory-or-id build-opts)
(create factory-or-id build-opts output-opts)


(create-list factory-or-id quantity)
(create-list factory-or-id quantity build-opts+)
(create-list factory-or-id quantity build-opts+ output-opts)



(constant x)

Returns a directive that evaluates to x during build. Useful if you don't want Fabrikk to try and interpret the value (e.g. if you want to specify a function as a value)


(sequence transform-fn)
(sequence transform-fn identifier)

Returns a directive that evaluates to an increasing series of integers, producing a new value each time the enclosing factory is invoked. Accepts an optional transform-fn that is called with the generated integer.

By default each call to sequence creates an 'series' of integers isolated to this specific key on this specific factory. If the optional identifier keyword is passed, then the sequence will be shared with each other sequence directive with that identifier.

Sequences persist for the lifetime of the program.


(one factory-or-id)
(one factory-or-id build-opts)

Returns a directive that will invoke the given factory at build time and add the resulting entity into the current build graph.

The entity is referenced via the key associated with this directive in the template.


(many factory-or-id quantity)
(many factory-or-id quantity build-opts+)

Returns a directive that will invoke the given factory at build time, build quantity copies of that entity, and add the resulting list of entities into the current build graph.

The list of entities are referenced via the key associated with this directive in the template. Entities can be referenced within this list via their index.


(derive key-or-path)
(derive key-or-path transform-fn)

Returns a directive that derives a value from the build graph at build time. If a keyword is passed, then the value will be derived from the current entity. If a path - i.e. a list of keywords - is passed, then the value will be derived from the entity at that path, relative to the current entity.

Accepts an optional transform-fn that accepts the derived value and returns a transformed value.

When deriving from an entity in the build graph using a path, if no transform-fn is specified the derived value will be the primary-key if the entities factory specifies one (see ->factory), or the entity itself otherwise.


(associate-as entity transform-fn)



(defmethod persist! persistence-method [factory-id entity])

A multimethod that facilitates custom persistence methods. Takes a factory id, and an entity, and expects a persisted version of that entity to be returned. Changes made to the entity during persistence will be propagated through the build graph as necessary, depending on what other entities have references to the persisted one.


(set-default-persistence! keyword)

Set the default persistence method. Defaults to built-in persistence.



An atom that stores entities created using the built-in persistence.

The built-in persistence method collects built entities in lists keyed by their factory id. It does not modify them.



Empties the built in store.

Last updated